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Thursday, December 1, 2022

Rainy Day

 So last night we were not sure if we were going to be carried away by the wind or by the sheets of rain.  Poor Lukie did not want to go outside for a pee this morning as it was coming down in buckets. He did manage to sneak under the trailer so managed to stay a little dryer. We are finding out that staying full time in the trailer it gets a little moist inside.  We had some condensation in a few of the cupboards and on the windows in the bedroom.  It also got the mattress a little damp. So I went online to see how we deal with the problem. So now every morning, I wipe the windows down to get rid of the excess moisture, then  I open the cupboard doors above the bed and turn on the exhaust fan. It seems to dry everything out and takes all the moisture out the vent.

It rained on and off all day, so thank goodness for Netflix and Prime.  We spent the day watching movies and started The Lord of the Rings: The Power of the Rings.  I can see why there are not a lot of people who seem to snow bird on the Oregon Coast.  It doesn’t freeze here but I can see in the future travelling further south for the sunshine.  However this year we have to stay close to Canada, in case I get called back for knee surgery.

After seeing all the snow that had landed at home though I am glad I am in the rain, it is chilly but not freezing and Len doesn’t have to shovel.  If the rain keeps up we might go and see a movie tomorrow.

Here are another couple of pictures of the coast.

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